Hello, I'm Deepika, a passionate Cloud DevOps Engineer.

About Me Experience Projects

About me

As a highly skilled Cloud DevOps Engineer with over seven years of experience, I specialize in designing, implementing, and maintaining cloud-based infrastructure and applications. I leverage expertise in Docker and Kubernetes for containerization, utilize GitHub Actions for seamless CI/CD workflows, and possess hands-on experience with cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Additionally, I excel at deploying and maintaining application software using scripting and automation tools such as Terraform, Ansible, and Jenkins, collaborating efficiently with Jira and Confluence, and ensuring robust logging and monitoring with industry-leading tools. I have a proven track record of leading teams and collaborating with stakeholders to achieve project goals on time and within budget. I have excellent communication skills and am able to articulate complex technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences.


I am proficient in various tasks related to software development and infrastructure management. I enforce branching strategies like Gitflow to facilitate parallel development and release management. Additionally, I utilize AWS services such as AWS IAM, AWS KMS, and AWS Config to enable and regulate security and compliance controls on the AWS platform. To achieve end-to-end automation of software delivery, I incorporate CodePipeline along with other AWS services like AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CloudFormation. I also develop Terraform modules and AWS CloudFormation templates to define and deploy infrastructure resources, including compute instances, network resources, and storage. Ensuring code quality and adherence to coding standards is crucial. Therefore, I conduct code reviews and provide feedback to team members. Furthermore, I integrate code quality tools such as SonarQube and CodeQL into the CI/CD pipelines to maintain high code quality and prevent technical debt. Automation is a key aspect of my work. I create automation solutions using Ansible for provisioning IT infrastructure, configuration management, and application deployment. I also develop Kubernetes manifests and Helm charts to deploy applications to Kubernetes clusters. Additionally, I streamline Dockerfiles and Docker images to facilitate application deployment across different environments. Collaboration and observability are vital in a team environment. Thus, I work with development and operations teams to integrate PagerDuty with other enterprise systems, ensuring comprehensive incident observability. I am skilled in using Grafana for monitoring and visualizing various metrics and data sources. While Azure DevOps extensions and integrations are within my expertise, I am experienced in creating and managing pipelines using Azure DevOps for build, test, and deployment automation.

In Jira, I design and configure workflows, screens, custom fields, and notifications to cater to the unique needs of different project teams. I also implement and maintain Jira plugins and add-ons to enhance productivity and collaboration. I apply security measures and access controls in Confluence and Jira to safeguard sensitive data and comply with regulatory requirements. Additionally, I perform regular system maintenance, including upgrades, patches, and backups, to ensure optimal performance and availability of Confluence and Jira. I am also responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining data virtualization solutions using Denodo. These solutions integrate data from various sources and present it as a unified view. I collaborate with database administrators (DBAs) to integrate Denodo with relational databases like Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL. In terms of AWS, I provide technical support and resolve issues related to AWS services. This includes troubleshooting and conducting root cause analysis. I also establish and strengthen high availability and disaster recovery solutions in AWS using services like AWS ELB and AWS RDS Multi-AZ. To ensure optimal performance and cost control, I manage and monitor various AWS services such as EC2, S3, RDS, and Lambda. This involves utilizing AWS CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail for monitoring, performance optimization, and cost management. Furthermore, I troubleshoot and resolve issues related to Airflow tasks, connections, and configurations. I have experience in identifying and resolving any challenges that may arise in Airflow implementations.


Terra Te Stack

Building and Securing Infrastructure-as-Code on DigitalOcean Cloud with Terraform, utilizing Three-Tier Architecture

Kube Eye

Infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates and configurations to deploy a Kubernetes cluster integrated with Istio and Open Policy Agent (OPA). It aims to enhance security, observability, and policy enforcement within a Kubernetes environment.


Argode focuses on the deployment of applications using ArgoCD and the GitOps methodology.


Python Flask application on Kubernetes. It includes all the necessary files and configurations to automate the deployment process using GitHub Actions.
